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The Song of Significance 의미의 시대 by Seth Godin 세스 고딘 본문

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The Song of Significance 의미의 시대 by Seth Godin 세스 고딘

allybanrun 2024. 7. 22. 20:41

" Seth is on a rant. It's a rant I have been on for over 25 years. We can make things better for people at work. Better, not fixed, not solved just better, that is a good place to start. And when things are better for people, the work is better and the workplace is better and magic happens. Seth articulates my mission beautifully. I don't understand it all, its conceptual, metaphorical, American and at times a bit confusing though I was inspired reading it and am going to read it again. And I am going to recommend it to all my industrial customers and to you...." " Seth Godin’s new book “The Song of Significance” is a manifesto about how organizations of any size can be more effective by asking “What do humans need? How can we create significance?” "Seth sent me an advance copy which I read in one sitting. It’s an important book for right now. The most common question I get about AI at my talks and via email is people wondering how AI will change work. While nobody knows exactly how things will play out, there is no doubt that many industries and jobs will be significantly impacted. Seth’s new book shows us a way to consider the kinds of work we do and how we can organize to create value by focusing on people........"