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Open and Shut (The Andy Carpenter Series, 1) by David Rosenfelt 본문

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Open and Shut (The Andy Carpenter Series, 1) by David Rosenfelt

allybanrun 2024. 9. 8. 20:48


" Andy Carpenter is a defense lawyer in Patterson, New Jersey. Andy's father, retired DA Nelson Carpenter, asks Andy to consider the retrial of a death-row inmate Willie Miller. Andy considers this a strange request, since Miller's was an open-and-shut case: incontrovertible physical evidence, a credible eyewitness. Why would his father - who personally prosecuted the case seven years ago - be so interested in having his son represent Miller on a on a retrial initiated not by new evidence, but by a technicality? But shortly after this request, Nelson drops dead while watching a ball game with Andy at Yankee Stadium, eventually leading Andy to the discovery of a 35-year-old mystery involving Andy's father and his powerful friends. David Rosenfelt's first novel, "Open and Shut", is engaging and lively fiction; a well crafted legal thriller. As Andy goes about the business of settling his dad's affairs, he learns that he is suddenly a multi-millionaire, the heir of a secret fortune his father had hidden away. As he delves into Willie's murder retrial, a pattern of conspiracy unfolds, and the connection between Andy's father's past and the conviction of Miller starts to crystallize. Protagonist Andy Carpenter is an easy character to like - a self-depreciating wise-cracker whose courtroom stunts add a unique twist to more standard legal fare......"

법정 스릴러 장르라고 말할 수 있다. 누명, 살인, 의문의 돈, 친구들, 사진, 압력, 위선, 개, 이혼, 죽음, 살인 의뢰, 침묵, 거래 등 사실 다른 법정 스릴러에서 볼 수 있는 장면들이 많아서 이야기의 참신성은 좀 떨어지지만.... 그래도 재밌는 작품이다. 글이 가볍다고 주장하는 독자들도 있지만 사실 다루고 있는 내용에 비해서 유머러스한 문장이 많다고 말해야 더 맞는 이야기인 거 같다. 특히 문장들이나 표현들이 난해하지 않아서 읽는 재미가 있는 작품이다.